
Change has
to happen. And our mission is to introduce people to sustainability through art. The fashion industry is the second worst polluter in the world and while we are aware that the most sustainable way is to not create more clothing.
Sustainability should be made accessible and that’s what we aim for. Our mission is to create a lasting product to showcase art, help the artists while creating a like-minded conscious community. We love the planet so we want to be as sustainable as possible. This means finding the right options available to
us, to make our ideas become reality. As transparency is key to us, we would like to invite you along our current process.

  • Step 1

    Coming up
    with a design and collaborate with an artist to work out the idea.

  • Step 2

    Order blanks like shirts and hoodies from a third party, in this case Continental Clothing. They are based in India and are producing organic certified cotton.

  • Step 3

    Printing is done locally in Groningen, The Netherlands.

  • Step 4

    Once the finished product is in our hand, we check the merchandise and put everything in the system and storage.

  • Step 5

    After you place your order, we will wrap your product carefully and ship it to your home.

  • Step 6

    Enjoy your new favourite piece of clothing.

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Being a small company we have to keep in mind that not everything is possible YET, but as the company grows, the aim is to improve and educate ourselves along the way, and eventually bring production closer to home. While we are at the start of our journey, we dream big. Our biggest ambition is to one day own our own production facility in Europe and provide a fair livelihood for people: Good Vibez ltd is more than just another clothing brand. It’s a starting point for dreams, a platform where people can meet each other and start connecting, and maybe even form their own businesses from. We know what it is like to make mistakes and come from nothing, and being transparent about it is a strength, not a weakness. We come with much passion and so many ideas and we want to be raw, we want to be as pure as possible, and we want to inspire people and see more conscious slow fashion companies. Let’s be positive for a change.